Free DUI Consultation (913) 648-7070

Second-time DUI

In Kansas, a second-offense DUI is a Class A misdemeanor. A person convicted of this offense will be sentenced to at least five days and up to one year imprisonment. A fine between $1250 and $1750 will be assessed.He or she will be required to complete a year of probation after the jail time. The Judge may consider house arrest or work release in place of some of the jail sentence.

The diversion program is not an option in a second-time DUI case in Kansas. Probation will include meetings with a probation officer and alcohol treatment and/or education. The probationer will be required to abstain from alcohol and illegal drugs (and take urine tests) and not violate the law.

Any defendant charged with a crime case choose to take the case to trial. Kansas DUI lawyer Brian Leininger can discuss this option with you. He has represented well over 100 clients in trials. 

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We understand that a DUI arrest is not something that most people plan for financially. We try to make it as easy as possible on you to get great legal advice and representation.
